C# 物件轉網址參數

object to url

class to url

public static class UrlHelpers
	public static string ToQueryString(this object request, string separator = ",")
		if (request == null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException("request");

		// Get all properties on the object
		var properties = request.GetType().GetProperties()
			.Where(x => x.CanRead)
			.Where(x => x.GetValue(request, null) != null)
			.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.GetValue(request, null));

		// Get names for all IEnumerable properties (excl. string)
		var propertyNames = properties
			.Where(x => !(x.Value is string) && x.Value is IEnumerable)
			.Select(x => x.Key)

		// Concat all IEnumerable properties into a comma separated string
		foreach (var key in propertyNames)
			var valueType = properties[key].GetType();
			var valueElemType = valueType.IsGenericType
									? valueType.GetGenericArguments()[0]
									: valueType.GetElementType();
			if (valueElemType.IsPrimitive || valueElemType == typeof(string))
				var enumerable = properties[key] as IEnumerable;
				properties[key] = string.Join(separator, enumerable.Cast<object>());

		// Concat all key/value pairs into a string separated by ampersand
		return string.Join("&", properties
			.Select(x => string.Concat(
				Uri.EscapeDataString(x.Key), "=",

分類: C#